
Friday, May 3, 2013

Finally, a proper cure for baldness??

This week L'Oreal has introduced a new salon quality product called Kerastase Defensique, which claims to be able to reverse baldness in men and women.....Sounds good, but it ain't cheap!  A 3 month supply retails for approximately $445 USD.

Scientists have isolated one of the major causes of baldness as oxygen deficiency in the scalp.  Kerastase Defensique contains a molecule that increases oxygen flow to the follicles, thus stimulating growth in existing follicles, and reversing dormancy in dormant follicles.

Does it work?  The research seems to suggest it does. 

A clinical trial of 101 people over a 3 month period yielded on average a 4% increase in hair in the number of hairs each participant grew.  About 1700 hairs. 

Head researcher at L'Oreal Patricia Pineau had this to say:

 ‘We’ve known for 100 years that hair grows and falls out.  We haven’t known what makes hair regenerate until now. It is all about hair stem cell environment. In 2000, we have published the existence of two stem cell reservoirs in the hair and, more recently, we have both identified the optimal environment and designed a molecule able to favour it.'

Very interesting.  It's nice to know that there might actually be a solution to balding/thinning hair.  My edges can use a boost, for real!! - YB
Read more from our friends over at the Daily Mail:

And for my Frenchies, check out the official promo on YouTube:

Let Me clarify! - Science Friday

One very important step in an healthy hair regimen is incorporating a clarifying shampoo.  What is a clarifying shampoo, you ask?  And why do you need it in your regimen?

Let me break it down for you one time!  A clarifying shampoo is one that is designed to strip old product off of your hair strands.  During the week, we pile on oils, butters, pomades and gels  to achieve the looks we want.  Eventually these products begin to build up, and block the effectiveness of shampoos, and conditioners, and can also block hair from absorbing the moisture necessary for it  to thrive.  Signs of build up are - limp hair, little to no lather from shampoos, coated hair and scalp feeling, and products generally not doing what they are supposed to do.  Build up can lead to seemingly inexplicable breakage.

I usually clarify my hair every 4th week.  Although any sulfate-free shampoo can be used to clarify the hair, I prefer to use an actual clarifying shampoo.  It is called Alba Botanica Daily Shampoo, and is chock full of all natural ingredients.  It does not leave my hair feeling super-stripped - you know what I'm talking about ladies.....when your hair feels so clean, you can practically hear it squeak. 

You can identify clarifying shampoos by their transparent appearance.  The moisturizers in other shampoos tend to be cloudy, and give the shampoo an opaque appearance.

What clarifying shampoo do you use?? - YB

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Leave Blue Ivy Alone!!

Ignorance is alive and well in the TwitterVerse.  I was disgusted to learn about the malicious comments being floated around Twitter about BeyoncĂ© and Jay-Z's beautiful baby girl, Blue Ivy.  There was a lot of slick talk about the baby's hair, and the fact that Bey let it flow in it's natural state.

Comments ranged from mildly offensive to down right ignorant.

Naomi Campbell's Break.

So, this is a little off topic, as I usually blog about natural-haired girls and issues.  I am making an exception for Naomi Campbell - because deep down inside, there is a natural girl desperate to be unleashed!

That being said, I was really disappointed by the news that Naomi split from her foxy Russian boyfriend of 5 years, Vladimir Doronin.

Do you know who V. BOZEMAN is??

V Bozeman is otherworldly.  We have music impersario Cee-Lo Green to thank for this striking singer/songwriter.   I'm not going to say much more.  Check out her 'Black Mama Sh*t':

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Finally! Barbie Dolls I can get down with!!

People have been modifying these dolls for a while....I guess I was never up on it because I never had a daughter, until recently.

6 Winnig looks that will fly in Corporate America!

You can't go wrong with this little Pixie cut. TWA's are always a good look!

Does natural hair hurt you in the corporate world?

Raissa B. Nebie - Founder & CEO of Spoondate

This is a question that many naturals in the job market struggle with all the time. Traditionally in the corporate world, natural hairstyles have been frowned upon. Other areas such as retail, and the service industry have been a lot more accepting.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Can you guess the Celeb??

This one kind of stumped me at first.....but you guys are probably a lot smarter than I am!! 


Wash Day!!! (And all the dirty deets!!!!)

Wash day is a vital part of every kinky girl's regimen.

I love wash day!!  I actually look forward to it all week.  There is something very therapeutic about going through the steps, and taking good care of my hair.  I can practically hear it thanking me.

I usually wash my hair once a week.  Every 4th week, I use a clarifying shampoo (to get rid of product build up) and add a deep protein conditioner (to build strength). 
The following is a step-by-step outline of how I was my hair weekly.