
Friday, May 24, 2013

The 3 Biggest Enemies of Natural Hair

Sometimes it seems as if the universe is conspiring to cut our natural hair journeys short.  There are so many land mines littered on the field of strength and length, making our already difficult missions even more tenuous. Here are 3 major culprits:

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How to get your kinks to shine!! **UPDATE!! [PICS]**

As you know, it is really difficult to get a nice lustrous sheen on type 4 kinks.  I've been struggling with this particular issue for a long time.  Even when my hair is well moisturized, it always looks kind of dull.  I was kind of over it, when I met this gal with the sheeniest kinks I'd ever seen. I begged her for her secret....Lo and behold, she told me she used castor oil.  I was like 'Whaaaa?'  I had a big bottle of cold pressed castor oil sitting in my war chest - hadn't been touched.  I decided to give it a whirl.  I moisturized as normal (taliah waajid detangler & curl enhancing smoothie), and I sealed with my cold pressed castor oil.  Twisted my hair up and the next day, I had super-soft, super-shiny hair.  I couldn't believe it.  Will update this post with pics when I take my twists down.  #I'mABeliever ***UPDATE! PICs on the Flip!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Lavender Queen Liz - Kinky Blogger of the Week!

As much as I like to think I am the only kinky blogger in the universe, sadly I'm not!  There are a lot of talented ladies out there bringing us info, and inspiration all over the inter-webs.  One of my favorites is Lavender Queen Liz!    Her blog is designed for people like you and me.

Great visuals, insightful articles, and fun, fun, fun! The site is well organized, easy to navigate, and chock full of juicy information to help you along your natural hair journey. You can check her out at  Definitely worth it!!

Sunday, May 19, 2013