
Friday, April 5, 2013

Wash 'n Go?


Hell no!

It would be really awesome to be able to step in the shower, soak my kinks, throw in a dollop of gel, and head out the door with little springy coils.  But that is not the world I live in.  Wash 'n Gos stopped being an option for me when my baldy grew in longer than 1/2".

Being a 4c, we do have curls, as tiny as they are.  However, since they don't clump together in clusters, the definition is not cohesive an therefore not visible.  Attempting to wash 'n go, would leave my hair in a hot tangled mess fraught with knots and despair.

I have found a product that can actually define my curls and clump them together, giving the desired result and definition so many seek with the wash 'n go.  Literally, one product on this earth.  It is called American Crew Pomade (For men), and it retails from $9.99-$16.99 a jar (and it's tiny).  You can find it at Target, the grocery store, or any drug store across the country.  It is a product designed to style/hold straight textured men's hair, but is an INCREDIBLE moisturizer for me.  Makes my hair so soft and shiny and amazing.   Great for twist/braid outs.  (I will do a Youtube tutorial at some point in the future on how to define 4c curls using the Crew Pomade, because it does take some doing.  You don't just slap it in and get results....Please stay tuned for that. )

I personally, am not hung up on having springy curls, and rocking the Wash 'n Go look.  The whole point of Wash 'n Go, is to do precisely that.  Sitting in front of a mirror for 2 hours with a vat of gel, trying to coax out curls sort of defeats the purpose.  I have realized this particular style is not for me.  I am not going to try and force my hair to do something it just can't do.
What do you think??

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