
Friday, May 31, 2013

7 Wicked Myths About Kinky Hair

There's all types of misinformation out there about natural hair...particularly kinky natural hair.  I am here to put a few on blast, and hopefully debunk them.  Who's with me?!


1. The Brothers aren't feeling it - Well, no two brothers think alike, so it's unfair to say the brothers aren't feeling it.  Some guys love natural hair, and some guys hate it.  Some guys don't give a damn.  If you encounter a guy who hates your natural hair, just keep it moving.  he probably not the type of man you'd want to be with anyway.

2.  Kinky hair doesn't grow - Really? take a look at these queens, and tell me kinky hair doesn't grow.

3. Kinky hair is super strong - Au contraire mon frère.  It may look sturdy and robust, but afro textured hair is flat in nature, and is fraught with myriad twists and turns along the hair shaft.  The twists and turns represent weak spots, and this structure causes our hair to be susceptible to breakage.

4.  It's Dirty - Well, if you don't wash it, it will be, just like everybody else's. SMH.

5.  Kinky hair is only for Hippies & Granola Munchers - I'll start by saying, I love Hippies & Granola Munchers.  They tend to be salt of the earth people with open hearts and open minds.  That being said, natural hair is for everyone!  Corporate gals, artsy gals, hipster gals, hip hop gals.  There is a wealth of diversity in the natural hair community, and it should be celebrated!

6. It renders you unemployable - That's another laughable myth!  See this post.  Funny story, Abercrombie & Fitch prefers to hire black girls with natural hair - that's a first!

7. Kinky Hair is not appropriate for special occasions - Look at these beautiful brides.  Enough said.

1 comment:

  1. amen!! sister just started growing mine n i hope i dnt do anything crazy to it like i always do. it feels so damn gud just hard to comb tho lol
