
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Porosity Testing, and How it can Revolutionize Your Hair!

Porosity can be defined simply as you hair's ability to absorb, and maintain moisture.  If you do not know the porosity of you hair, you are at a major disadvantage, as far as finding products, and developing a regimen that works for you. There are 3 levels of porosity:

7 Wicked Myths About Kinky Hair

There's all types of misinformation out there about natural hair...particularly kinky natural hair.  I am here to put a few on blast, and hopefully debunk them.  Who's with me?!


1. The Brothers aren't feeling it - Well, no two brothers think alike, so it's unfair to say the brothers aren't feeling it.  Some guys love natural hair, and some guys hate it.  Some guys don't give a damn.  If you encounter a guy who hates your natural hair, just keep it moving.  he probably not the type of man you'd want to be with anyway.

2.  Kinky hair doesn't grow - Really? take a look at these queens, and tell me kinky hair doesn't grow.

What's the Deal with Hair Steaming?

I have gone back and forth on this, and have finally decided it might be time to take the plunge!
Being a type 4 kinky, I constantly battle with dryness in my hair.  I pre-poo, and deep condition every week using a regular hooded dryer with my hair in a plastic cap.  I'm usually of the mind - If it ain't broke, don't fix it, but I keep hearing wonderful things about the benefits of steaming your hair.  Our friends at put together this sweet little infographic that outline some of the pluses of steaming.  Will you give it a whirl? -YB

6 Benefits Of Steaming Your Hair

Monday, May 27, 2013

Hemp Seed Oil - WTF??


Although I do not indulge in the alleged pleasures of Mary Jane,  it is my understanding that the oil derived from the seeds of the marijuana plant, has amazing properties that are very beneficial to natural hair.

Here's what I found out -

Is the Whole Natural Hair Thing a Trend?

That is something I've been wondering for a while now.  For me, it's not a trend.  I've had my hair natural, for almost 20 years (with the exception of a texturizer back in 2004).  It's just a way of life.  Relaxers break my hair, and quite frankly, I think I look ridiculous with permed hair. It works really well on others....just not me.

There has been an explosion of women shearing off their perms, and joining the ranks of kinkies and curlies over the past 5 years.  I think it's great, but will it last?